Looking forward to reading lots and lots of good books (naturally), and I have a goal of finishing a WIP I've started. As a family, we are planning a few nice trips, and the kids have the usual array of summer camps and activities.
...Also, I have some really good news that I've been sitting on, and I can't wait to share it with everyone, hopefully by next week.
In the meantime, watching Bear taking a nap outside is just waay too tempting, so think I'll lay down for awhile, read some books, and take a quick nap.
Hope everyone out there has a great, wonderful weekend! Cheers!
Thanks for stopping by my site! I hope my little 30 day challenge does end up being of use to you when you begin your next book.
Another funny coincidence... I majored in Marriage, Family, and Human Development (when I began the program I was in Social Work). I think the study of relationships - group and personal - can add some deep insight into our writing. Only bummer is I've forgotten everything I studied in college!
Can't wait for the good news! :D I'm so happy summer is here. If it would get warm where I live I'd be happier though! :)
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